Putting our
into practice

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We see a new
way forward

By establishing systems that go beyond the
current expectations of sustainability and linear
methods of manufacturing – we will redefine
our impact we have and reimagine the value we
create. We’re making the shift towards a circular
economy by applying circular practices across
our systems and operations every day.


Profile group is on a journey to completely redesign the impacts of our packaging systems to be regenerative, circular and climate positive by 2023.

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Closing the loop on
waste and pollution

Our target: Reduce waste to landfill by 50%
and become Toitū Carbon Zero certified by 2023.


Using materials to
their full potential

Our target: Achieve 90% circularity for our packaging
with renewable, bio-based materials by 2023.


Protecting and
restoring our
natural world

Our target: 90% of organic 'waste' used as
compost to regenerate our environment by 2023.

With our people
leading change
for New Zealand

Our target: 70% engagement in our Hauora Wellness programs.


Our Progress to Date

64% Measure of Circularity of packaging - across inflows and outflows
543.1T Resource recovery and material innovations underway to divert up to 543,1T of packaging waste to landfill
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“Who are businesses really responsible to? Their customers? Shareholders? Employees? We would argue that it's none of the above. Fundamentally, businesses are responsible to their resource base. Without a healthy environment, there are no shareholders, no employees, no customers and no business.”

– Yvon Chouinard