Building a better today and tomorrow.

We’re putting our responsibility into practice.

By establishing systems that go beyond the current expectations of sustainability and linear methods of manufacturing - we are redefining our impact and reimaging the value we create. We’re shifting towards a circular economy by applying circular practices across our systems and operations.

Circular Economy

The goal of a circular economy is to minimise waste and make the most of resources. It aims to move away from the traditional linear economy, where products are manufactured, used, and then discarded as waste. Instead, a circular economy emphasises sustainability, longevity, and the continuous use and recycling of materials.

Our Goals

Todays impact can be radically reduced by closing the lop and reimaging waste as a valuable resource.  Our path forward is based around putting the principles of the circular economy into practice:

  • Close the Loop

    Our target: Achieve circular, reusable and regenerative packaging with 90% overall circularity.

  • Design Out Waste

    Our target: Reduce our waste to landfill by 50%, complete Toitū Carbon surveillance audit, offset 100% of energy usage.

  • Regenerate Nature

    Our target: We aim to compost 100% of food and biobased materials to regenerate our environment.

  • Close the Loop is another circular economy principle that means keeping materials in use for as long as possible and finding ways to use them again instead of creating more waste. For us this means creating circular systems designed for multiple reuse and minimal waste. We’re in the process of shifting from linear, single use and non renewable packaging materials, with value lost to landfill, to renewable, reusable and regenerative packaigng materials with reverse logistics and circular resource centres. We are on a journey to completely redesign the impacts of our packaging systems to be regenerative, circular and climate positive.

  • Design Out Waste is a concept based around the idea of creating products or systems in way that produces less waste right from the start. For Profile Group this means thinking ahead and making things in a smarter way to reduce waste as much as possible. It also means bold targets around waste to landfill reduction. In 2023 we diverted 65% of our waste from landfill, a figure we plan to further improve in 2024.

  • The third principle of the circular economy is to regenerate nature. By moving toward a circular economy we support natural processes and leave more room for nature to thrive. For Profile Group this looks like supporting organisations like Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari and Live Ocean, as well as running staff and community tree planting events.

    Our vision includes a range of CarbonZero products, renewable packaging with full circle recovery and reuse, with our manufacturing powered by renewable energy.


We’re committed to the highest standards of environmental responsibility and energy efficiency. Our dedication to sustainable practices is underscored by our accreditations with leading associations, ensuring that our products and services align with the most rigorous eco-friendly benchmarks.

  • With Declare, we proudly disclose the composition of our products, providing you with the information you need to make informed, environmentally conscious choices.

  • Embrace a future of energy efficiency with our Certified Energy accreditation. This recognition highlights our efforts to reduce energy consumption and minimise our carbon footprint. By choosing our products, you contribute to a greener, more sustainable world.

  • Elevate your projects with our Green Star accredited solutions. We are proud to align with Green Star, demonstrating our commitment to designing and delivering environmentally sustainable buildings. Expect nothing less than top-tier products that contribute to a healthier planet.

  • EKOS recognises our efforts to measure, manage, and offset our carbon emissions, ensuring that we go beyond compliance to actively contribute to the preservation of our planet.

  • We understand the importance of providing comprehensive environmental information about our products. Our EPD accreditation demonstrates our commitment to transparency by offering detailed insights into the life cycle environmental impact of our offerings.

  • Toitū recognises our efforts to integrate sustainability into every aspect of our operations, fostering a culture of environmental stewardship and continuous improvement that extends throughout our organisation.

  • Our association with NZGBC underscores our commitment to sustainable building practices within New Zealand. We adhere to the highest standards set by NZGBC, ensuring that our products contribute to the creation of environmentally responsible and energy-efficient structures.

We have been awarded Toitū carbonreduce certification for our Residential Series ThermalHEART®, Metro Series ThermalHEART® and Commercial Series products. Toitū carbonreduce is a prestigious certification that acknowledges organisations actively reducing their impact on the environment. Achieving this certification requires a comprehensive assessment of our emissions, implementation of effective impact reduction strategies, and a commitment to ongoing improvement. The Toitū Carbon Certification Programme endorses organisations to:

  • Quantify their impact on the climate

  • Plan their science-aligned reduction pathway & proactively reduce emissions

This achievement is a significant milestone in our ambitious journey of becoming Toitū carbonzero certified. We remain focused on exploring innovative ways to reduce our products' carbon footprint, to achieve the rigorous standards of the annual Toitū audit.

"We have the ability to initiate change - we can create progress that makes it accessible for more."

– Mikayla Plaw, Profile Group Executive Director

Giving Back

Through strategic partnerships and sponsorships, we actively contribute to initiatives that aim to restore and protect natural biodiversity. Our commitment extends to collaborating with reputable organisations dedicated to marine conservation, sustainable coastlines, and the preservation of ecological sanctuaries.

  • In collaboration with APL, Profile Group is honoured to collaborate with the Live Ocean Foundation, supporting two pivotal projects - Project Kahurangi and Seascape. These initiatives focus on marine conservation, aiming to safeguard and enhance the health of our oceans. By partnering with Live Ocean Foundation, Profile Group is actively contributing to the preservation of marine ecosystems and promoting sustainable practices.

  • Profile Group is proud to extend its efforts in restoring and protecting natural biodiversity through involvement in the Sanctuary Mountain projects for Maungatautari.

    These projects focus on creating a sanctuary for native flora and fauna, promoting habitat restoration, and preserving the unique ecological balance of the region.