Circular Materials

We're closing the loop on the unnecessary waste and impact of single-use packaging. With Profile Group’s circular systems and Materials Management plan, our businesses are working to keep resources in use and at their highest value.

Working towards a circular economy.

For many decades the traditional approach to using materials has been linear. With materials being constantly undervalued and after being used once, considered them rubbish or waste to be thrown away. 

As a group of businesses we have identified this problem of how we make, use and dispose of materials within our own systems, and are actively working to reduce our waste to landfill and therefore our impact. Instead of modifying our linear processes, alongside Circularity, we have instead designed circular systems for material use.  

Taking a good look at the problem.

We undertook a thorough assessment of how materials were flowing through our operations – including a site-wide waste audit and audit of two of our Fabricator customers. We mapped and uncovered our entire ecosystem of materials and our priorities for change were clear – single-use packaging and distribution materials posed the greatest threat to the environment due to the sheer volume that was ending up in landfills. 

Closing the loop on waste.

We have since trialled and validated a new, closed-loop solution - using reverse logistics and to recover our packaging and distribution materials from fabricators for reuse. Our Materials Management Plan outlines where we were, and where we want to be. It explains the solutions and changes we've designed together with this system, and how to keep our high-value materials inflow and waste and pollution out of our environment. 

Why is this important?

As a people and a group, we can shift the impact of our businesses by working together to activate these systems with our fabricators, always looking forward, always improving today.

These changes are for all of us, and will be led by each of us. 


Profile in Hautapu


Groovy Galore: 70s Staff Party 2022